We provides services that we have expertise in delivering, we focus on becoming better at delivering proven insight and solutions that improve our client's value contribution.

Supply Chain and Maintenance
Achieving a full integrated supply and maintenance solution requires a full understanding of current process, compliance requirements and a multitude of operating models. Our supply chain and maintenance solutions provide improved operating efficiency by reducing time and cost out of the operations.
Efficiency optimization
Process improvement, lean six sigma
Supply chain risk management
Enterprise resource planning
Maintenance and supply root cause analysis
Sourcing Improvement Services
When you want to improvement the way you source, procure and buy for your organization, we have the solutions that will bring immediate benefit.
Contract policy and regulatory compliance
Industry analysis
Purchase request and contract writing process improvement
Source selection support
Procure to Pay
Program and Acquisition Management
If you have a large complex program that requires a dedicated Program Management Office, SNTC has the depth and expertise to support with day to day operations or as an adviser bringing years of knowledge and experience to the program.
Program management support services
Acquisition alternatives analysis and planning
Cost estimation, budget formulation
Emerging Program Management (Agile, OTA, Spiral)
Integrated Logistics Management Solutions
Across all aspects of integrated logistics support or specific large scale logistics management challenges, the SNTC team can provide immediate services and structure to the challenge.
Logistics planning
Integrated logistics support
Scenario modeling
Product data management
Transportation optimization